Patient Testimonials

Read heartfelt testimonials from our satisfied dental patients.



Hi everyone

Kerri and I would like thank Ferzin , Ashdin and the Great Team for the generosity, the friendliness shown to us , and drive that you all had to ensure we had a perfect outcome.

Sorry about the length of email , my initial intention was to thanks you and your team and mention a few of nice things we found , but due to there being so many I got bit carried away.

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Some of the concerns and the impression that the media had created prior to going to Mumbai.

That India / Mumbai would be a dirty smelly congested place , where as I found Mumbi , particular the the south end where we spent most of our time to very clean and not smelly at all , it was cleaner than some of the more tourist areas in Australia, the people were extremely helpful, friendly and as for congestion, I found it a lot easier to walk around than in some parts of Sydney. The traffic was the usual organised chaos that you find anywhere in Asia and a little better than most. ( my maths teacher once told me that 3 won’t go into 2 but you guys certainly don’t have any trouble getting 3 rows or more of cars into a 2 lane road) The smog was something that we are not used too , but if you have 20 million people living and working within 60sq klms , were we have 23 million in 7.7 million sq klms , it going to happen.

Cabs were good , the usual game of setting a fair price which ended up being about $2 to $3 for a half our trip. The thing that was handy was the Uber app that we use in Australia also works in Mumbai. There is plenty of stories going around on the internet about 70% of travelers getting sick , Delhi belly and the like , as you are aware there was 5 of us Aussie’s and we had no issues, we brought Gastro Stop along with us but it wasn’t required. We obviously didn’t eat of the street and only drank bottle water.

We found the food to excellent and none of the so called burning curries that we were warned to stay away from, Martin made many attempts to get a super hot curry, which he gave us a taste off and there was nothing over the top , just good flavoured food. The cost of food and drink was also very reasonable, obviously expensive if you eat at the flashy places and on par with what you pay in a similar place in Australia , but we found if you at the popular places where the local eat, they were great value with excellent food. For example ,on our last night, the 3 of us ate an Cafe Mondegar, we share 3 dishes , a couple of different rices and bread which turned out to be more than we could eat , did tourist thing and got a couple of beer towers (6ltrs) , and all for $50 which included a tip for the 3 of us.

The biggest misconception was the dental treatment , while there is no doubt there are some shonky dentist in India as there are anywhere else in the world, and people making jokes like you may wake up in the Dentist chair with a kidney missing don’t help. The emphasis was often made to find a Dentist that was trained overseas, and at that stage it didn’t occur to me that it was same thing that happens in many professions, where you do your initial training in your home country and go overseas for experience and further your knowledge, the different in your cases you guys have further developed these skills to be up there with the best if not the best in the world, this is evident by the pictures on the wall of yourself , your father , your sister and her husband all being nominated as speakers at Dential conference throughout the world.

Many of my friends have ask what the dental treatment was like, (and now starting to sound like a broken record ), but I tell them about the day I was getting a mould done on my top teeth, when the first mould was done you guys weren’t happy with in ( probably due to me having a small mouth) and a second mould was taken, this time with two people doing it , when complete I ask the Dentist how was it ( sorry can’t remember which girl it was) as she said it was very very good , next thing she was back to do a third impression and I said her, I thought you said the last was good , and she said it was very very good , but it wasn’t perfect, which was typical of the outcome that everyone in the clinic strives for.

Costing , while we all want the best for the least amount of money. I initially had concerns on how you could do it at that price ( the old saying “ if it sounds too good to be true , it probably is” was in the back of my mind). I new wages and the cost of living was lower in India , but what I wasn’t aware of, was of your buying power, and how the companies that supply the high end product throughout the world, actually price these same product in different parts of the world at what they believe that country customer can afford to pay , and this obviously a big plus for you guys compared to Australia.

Facilities, a quick look around your clinic and it was evident that you use state of the art equipment and we were in the right place, 18 months ago Kerri and I visited a well known Dental clinic in Thailand while on holidays kfor a consultation, which gave us something to compare, there was nothing wrong with the clinic In Thailand , it’s just you guys had stepped it up another level . It’s was obvious that hygiene was of great importance and world class ( the only down side was it was a bit cold when you spend a bit of time in the chair, but with the blanket supply that was a small inconvenience to pay for high level of hygiene) considering your Dental Office was ISO certified.

Having your own Laboratory which had the best and latest equipment , and also having a design team which is not normal available, made the hold process more efficient in obtaining the perfection that your team strives for.

In my case, where it was discovered that a root canal would be in my best interest that wasn’t plan and shown why , having staff that have the qualification to it there and then on the spot in around an hour at a significantly reduced cost, and time frame ,than that would of occurred at home was certainly a bonus.

To have the expertise be able to treat teeth/gums with infection as was the case with one of group and then complete the proposed dental work , and in Kerri’s case to be able deal with failing bone structure, install the implants and do the bone grafts required all within our time frame was also a big plus.

Bonus, from my point of view: World class dentists and technicians who strive for perfection, using the best possible produce available in the world. Get to experience another country culture and history, and even when you add in the cost of flights and accommodation you are still a long way in front of what you would paid at home.

Something that is often not considered is the time frame , in my case what I had done may have dragged out over around 3 months in Australia, an was complete in a few extended appointments in one and a half weeks.

I hope some of these views and experiences may help you with a few ideas with the short video you have plan and any other promotional work.

I am not one for going onto the Internet and leaving feedback, I usually do a lot of research and that as far as I go , I don’t even have a Facebook account, but if you were find anything in the comment that I have made, please feel free use it , if you wish to put something together using this contents that works for you , and I am happy to put my name too it.


Today after 11 years I have been able to bite into a carrot, an apple and also steak!

I made it back home safely and let me Express myself that what a wonderful job you all have done. My friends and relatives cannot stop raving about the new smile and most importantly the bite that I never had which you all have so painstakingly restored.

My confidence is at an all-time high …I truly appreciate this from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for the fresh lease of life.

Dental Patient

Ravi Sambhavni (LOS ANGELES USA)

When you go back home with a full complement of teeth , with a beautiful bite and a spectacular smile … the feeling is unreal and life changing . This is exactly what happened to me @WORLD DENTAL SPECIALITIES. I had 7 upper implants and 6 in the lower jaw. The doctors restored not only my mouth but my self esteem and faith in the dental profession. Always grateful for the wonderful wonderful job done by them. Thank you


If you want to experience world class Dentistry look no further….
True masters in their craft…. got 10 veneers on the upper and lower and the results are absolutely lovely …We get several compliments from our friends back home on how we look younger … Honestly didn’t know what a Beautiful smile could do to enhance your self esteem and change your life forever … Thankyou @ team WORLD DENTAL SPECIALITIES.



I would highly recommend World Dental Specialities to each and every fellow Australian looking for the highest quality of dental health care.

Like every patient I was extremely nervous to get dental implants and bone graft done especially in a foreign country.

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But I was pleasantly surprised. Right from the onset I was made so comfortable and they treat all their patients with the warmth and attention that is so rendering.

The whole procedure was absolutely painless and I felt nothing… of course I was orally sedated to get me less anxious but I could still respond to every question the implant doctors asked me. Dr. Turners are absolutely the finest and most skilled and the dental experience was the easiest and best ever … look no further … if you have been always suffering from gum and bone loss … pack your bags and head to WORLD DENTAL SPECIALITIES in Mumbai for a full set of implants and crowns to change your life and smile forever !
More power to these wonderful human beings !
My experience at World Dental Specialities was wonderful. I came all the way from Australia to have my teeth done and I can say that the team here went out of their way to make me feel comfortable all the time and the results speak for themselves! I can hardly wait for everyone back home to see me! My Implant teeth look and feel like my own!

Thank you Dr. Turners and their team for everything. I’ll definitely be back for round two!
The whole procedure was so painless… Their set-up is better than any I have seen or witnessed in Australia, absolutely spic & span clean.


I was born with several missing teeth and ever since I remember as as a teenager I always wore partials.

This is now a thing of the past as I now have a fixed set of teeth with which I can eat comfortably without having to think about what I ate.

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Right from my pick up at the airport to my stay at the Taj Vivanta till my final transformation with fixed teeth that felt like my own, everything was clockwork.

Forever grateful and indebted to this wonderful team of doctors at WORLD DENTAL who made my dream come.

I now have a beautiful smile that I can flash …Which is the easiest part now Thank you all ….a hundred times over and over!

Dental Tourism patient Mumbai


A big Thankyou to all at WORLD DENTAL SPECIALITIES.
Like to let you all
Know how happy I am with my results …
Fixed teeth and beautiful smile for a lifetime !
You guys are wonderful… blessed with the best!


A super happy patient !
Surely the best in their field.
Had several issues with my teeth
Spent hours researching for the best dental clinic in Mumbai . So glad I came across these excellent doctors. They are sticklers for perfection. Recommend them highly… look no further!

Dental tourism patient Mumbai


I would like to express my gratitude for all your help in giving me a beautiful smile. From the first time I contacted your clinic, you gave me everything I needed to made this possible. I’ve always had bad teeth, and was never happy with my smile. I wanted implants but never could afford them. It wasn’t until I found your clinic that I finally knew it was possible.

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Upon arriving at your clinic I found your dental office to be very clean and modern with all the latest technology. You gave me a brand new smile with all the latest implants on the market, at such an affordable price. You also gave me several options to pick from that would work best for me. You had an apartment I could stay at, at a very reasonable price, and you made sure I had a driver pick me up anytime I needed a ride. You treated me with kindness, but making sure to take care of my every need. Your family now I can’t thank you enough. I will always be grateful for your efficiencies, professionalism and your loving kindness. Please tell your staff I said hi and I’ll see them next year when my wife Nancy, who is also looking forward to getting all of her dental needs taken care of.
Until then take care.
Love you all
Ron Vestal


I want to reach out to both of you and tell you how grateful I was to come across your awesome clinic! I couldn’t really explain it in my testimonial but this was one, if the not the most life changing events in my life! You both along with your wonderful caring staff changed my smile, improved my confidence, and brought back the sparkle in my eye!

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Not only did your work exceed my expectations but your big hearts! The time I spent in your office I saw the interactions you both had with your clients and the true friendship you share with them! You are more than a dentist but a great friend to them and me!

I saw deeper than than the service you provide, but the opportunity you give to the people in your community, providing them jobs and the income to support their families! You both are an inspiration to me! Something I will take back home to my business!

Thank you once again for everything you did for me! Showing that you’re not only great dentists but people that truly care for their clients and the people you employ! I will refer many people to you! I will miss you all greatly! Keep in touch and if I can help you in anyway please let me know!

Love you guys so much!

P.s- thanks for all the cappuccinos, the food you ordered, and the great conversations!

Dental Tourism Patient Mumbai


Dear Ashdin Ferzin and the entire team at WORLD DENTAL SPECIALITIES Hope you are all well… Thinking of all of you makes me want to smile and smile with confidence. This is something I definitely owe to you all.

I often get compliments not so much just for my smile but much rather for the work that you put into it. This includes my dentist here in Brisbane who called your work truly beautiful done.

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Thank you also for allowing us to partake in such a holistic dental experience. You took care of us via team dentistry providing more than adequate anaesthetics but also thank you for providing us with that little extra; your unique personal aesthetics… Your kindness and all the attention to every detail exemplifies your mastery over the subject of implant dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. As dental health care providers you all have outdone yourselves with sound scientific principles on my full mouth rehabilitation . We will not hesitate to highly recommend you all to anyone anywhere not only in Australia but world wide. God bless and more power to all of you to help others achieve a better quality of life . Always grateful


“I would like to thank you for your hardwork, dedication and kindness through this journey. You did a wonderful job and now i can finally smile and eat again. You will definitely be recommended to all my family and friends. I left as it i was part of a family whilst there. I look forward to completing my remaining teath with you in the future. I am very happy with the results. Thank You”



“They are the best in their field! Masterful…God is truly in the details. So happy with my new and spectacular smile, I cannot stop smiling. Had my smile transformation in just 5 days, all thanks to their state of the art CAD-CAM laboratory! Their passion and eye for perfection is unbelievable! Thank you all!”


“I am Dorothy Couture. I used to be a denture wearer for the past 30 years of my life. It needed to be relined every 2-3 years. Soon, I feared that I wouldn’t have enough bone left to support my dentures.

That is when I took the bold step of visiting India for my dental treatment and placing my dental problems in the hands of the World-Dent team.

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I first heard about World-Dent through my sister who had successful dental treatment done with them. I saw that when she returned she was a new person who smiled and laughed unabashedly. However, at World-Dent, I was assured by Dr.Turners and team that with the help of implants and crowns, I too could have a perfectly fixed set of teeth which would look, feel and function exactly like natural teeth. Just the thought of getting back what I had lost was enough to make me smile. To match my new set of fixed pearly whites, I got my lower teeth veneered. Their compassion, their gentle handling of anxious patients like me and on top of that, their mastery in dentistry has made me smile.”



“Dear Ashdin, Ferzin and team at World-Dent I would like to Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the amazing dental work and care that all of you offered us in such a cordial, professional and painless way.

You transformed my smile and the new raised bite feels so comfortable.

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Your eye for precision and detail speaks volumes of your dedication and passion of what you all stand for and do. Hope you spread smiles and change lives of many. As I leave you all I leave behind a strong sense of gratitude and take with me a sense of renewed pride and self-esteem.”


“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the team at World-Dent for all the miracles that they have worked on me. I flew down from Australia with excessive bone loss and required an extensive treatment plan that included sinus grafts, implants, and crowns.

I can’t thank the doctors enough for giving me back not only my teeth but also my lost bite, smile & pride. When

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I chewed into my 1st juicy piece of steak, I thanked the Lord and called Dr. Turner immediately for all the miracles he had worked on me.”



I would like to thoroughly recommend World-Dent for their dental implant procedure. I had 6 implants in the upper & 6 in the lower jaw by the wonderful dental surgeons at Dr. Turners (Dr. Ashdin, Dr. Ferzin& Dr. Radhika).

The Practice was founded by Prof. Dr. Porus S. Turner, a renown & well respected Dental Practitioner throughout the world, who is also the Author of a book titled “Clinical Guide to Oral Implantology – Step by Step Procedures.”

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Dr. Turners provided me with a worry free pick up & drop off service from and to the airport, as well as the offer of very comfortable accommodation at their apartment in Parel at very reasonable rates.The service provided by Dr. Ashdin, Dr. Ferzin& Dr. Radhika was, in a word, “excellent.”

The approach was professional and friendly with all the doctors readily available and able to explain each aspect of the procedure I was undergoing. This gave me a great deal of confidence that I was getting the very best dental treatment, this being at a very affordable price. A very important aspect of the dental practice is the state of the art laboratory next door headed up by Mr.

DaneshVazifdar. By having the lab at such close proximity, communication lines were excellent and the high quality work, such as the 24 implant ceramic crowns (12 upper & 12 Lower) they constructed for me, were of the highest quality. They also constructed upper & lower temporary dentures which were very comfortable for me in the interim period. Given, I had come from a long way overseas, the lab was excellent in completing the ceramic implant crowns in a very short period. I was very impressed with the overall dental treatment provided by Dr Turners, and, most importantly the outcome, in particular the ability to smile again with confidence and even more importantly to be able to eat again in comfort.

It was wonderful to be able to munch once again on an apple with confidence for the first time in seven years! My sincere thanks to each of the very professional dental practitioners at Dr. Turners as well as their able support staff who have acted in my very best interests and successfully restored my smile and ability to enjoy my food once again.

Thank you Prof. Dr. Porus Turner, Dr. Ashdin Turner, Dr. Ferzin Turner Vazifdar, Dr. Radhika Parekh & Mr. DaneshVazifdar.

G.Cami, Australia

I traveled from Australia to Mumbai in mid 2010 to be treated by the dentists at World Dental Speciality Dental Clinic after months of research, and numerous fabulous reports from past patients. I had been in mild to medium pain for over two years, and had seen several dentists in Australia – to no avail. I needed a root canal, two crowns, fillings undermy composite veneers, and to replace the veneers which were discoloured, chipped and misshapen. After my first sitting I was completely pain free. It was a miracle. At World Dental Speciality I was educated as to what state of the art dentistry is all about. I saw equipment and technique I’d never seen before in Melbourne or Sydney. I couldn’t be happier with the results. After three pain-free sittings, my teeth were totally rejuvenated. The porcelain veneers on my upper teeth are absolutely perfect. The zirconia crowns feel stronger than my own teeth, and I am just thrilled with the outcome, especially after having had so many problems with my teeth over such a long period of time. To any prospective client I would say – you wont find a team of dentists with better practices, or aesthetics, anywhere. I am more than happy to provide my email address for anyone should they like to ask me anything about my experience one to one.