Dr. Ferzin Turner Vazifdar


Best Cosmetic Dentist in Mumbai - Dr. Ferzin Turner Vazifdar

Dr. Ferzin Turner Vazifdar

Dr. Ferzin Turner Vazifdar has specialized in Implantology, Orthodontics and Cosmetic dentistry.

She has secured a double Masters, Master of Oral Implantology (MSc Implants, Germany) from Frankfurt Germany at the Goethe Universitat, Klinikum and Orthodontics. She focuses and specializes in Oral Implantology, Full mouth rehabilitation, smile design, cosmetic dentistry and Orthodontics. Her extensive experience in CADCAM dental technology, gives her a synergistic advantage in aesthetic and restorative dentistry. She is an active academician and is an Associate Professor at the Department of Orthodontics, at the A. B. Shetty Institute of Dental Sciences. She has co-authored a book titled “Art and Science of Aesthetic Dentistry” and has a number of publications to her credit and lectures both in India as well as abroad.

She conducts a specialty dental practice in Mumbai and is a partner to the Adaro Dental Laboratory. She has been a faculty member for various continuing dental education programs at World Dental Speciality in South Mumbai for over 30 years.

She has also co-authored a book on: “A clinical Guide to Oral Implantology”


Trained with Nobel Biocare: She has trained with Nobel Biocare in Restoring Implants Curriculum of Procera Personalized Prosthetic Dental Implants.

Invited to participate in the Nobel Biocare “Esthetic Implant Practice: She was invited to participate in the Nobel Biocare “Esthetic Implant Practice: Key Steps to Achieving Successful Results Surgical and Prosthetic” Workshop.


Guest Speaker: She was invited as a Guest Speaker at the Asian Pacific Dental Congress 2010 in Colombo and also conducted a full day workshop guiding the participants on the Art and Science of Most Conservative Porcelain Laminate Veneer preparations.


Invited speaker at Goethe University, Frankfurt : She was an invited speaker at Goethe University, Frankfurt to present on Clinical Outcomes of Immediately Placed Implants afrer extraction in Infected sockets: A Literature Review.

Meet Our Doctors

All staff members of Dental Clinic are licensed professionals. Our staff consists of licensed general dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, an endodontist, a periodontist, and an oral surgeon.