Endodontics (Root Canal Therapy)

Endodontics, or root canal therapy, saves damaged teeth by removing infection and restoring dental health.


Root Canal for a
Lasting Comfort.

Schedule a Consultation & Discuss Root Canal Treatment Options.


Why Are Root Canals Necessary?

Your tooth is composed of different layers. You’re familiar with the hard outer layer that forms the outer surface of the tooth, but there’s an inner, pulpy layer as well which consists of blood vessels and nerves. When this deep, pulpy layer becomes badly infected with decay, it can affect the structural integrity of the tooth. Left untreated, the tooth can eventually fall out or break off, causing significant pain and requiring surgery to remove it. A root canal removes the pulpy interior to relieve pain and help preserve the tooth.

Nothing is as good as a natural tooth! And sometimes your natural tooth may need endodontic (root canal) treatment for it to remain a healthy part of your mouth. Most patients report that having endodontic (root canal) treatment today is as unremarkable as having a cavity filled. Expert endodontics services are carried out in World Dental Specialities

Here’s what you can expect on a day of root canal treatment.

Anesthetising the tooth with local anaesthesia to make the RCT painless.

Locating the canal for treatment using apex locators and loupes. Here we use J Morita Root ZX II apex locator which is the most accurate and has the ability to work in wet canals too as the results are not affected by the presence or absence of blood discharges or electrolytes.

Advantages of using J Morita apex locator

  • 97.5% accuracy rate
  • Automatic Calibration
  • Ability to work in wet canals
  • Easy to read display


Endomotor that we use here to shape the root canals is the Xsmart plus (Dentsply) endo-motor with the reciprocating, single file technique or traditional continuous rotation file systems. It enables us to fully focus on the patient and the treatment due to its simplicity of use, as well as the excellent visibility and access with the miniature contra-angled attachment. It also includes file library with pre-set programs for wave-one, protaper, proglider, pathfile, Gates, reciproc, etc

Also, we use Endo Activator device as fluid activation in well-shaped canals. It plays an important role in debridement and disinfection of root canal system. It is designed to safely and vigorously energise inracanal irrigants during endodontic treatment.

Preventive Dentistry

Advantages of using EndoActivator

  • Safe: Strong, flexible medical grade polymer tips, polymer tips, single patient use and uncoated, non-cutting tips
  • Effective: Creates fluid hydrodynamics and improves debridement and disruption of smear layer and biofilm
  • Irrigation is done to disinfect the tooth using gold standard Sodium Hypochlorite and remove the bacteria.
  • Medicating the canal to completely eliminate the infection. If there is severe dental infection present, we may need to place the medicament and then allow for a few days to let it completely subside.
  • Sealing the tooth to protect against further infection.
  • Reinforcing the tooth and allowing for normal functions through restoration with a dental filling or tooth crown.

Better Results Through Better Technology

Thanks to CBCT 3D imaging, we can visualize exactly what’s going on with your tooth and create a root canal treatment plan personalized to your needs. Combined with local anaesthetics and proper pain medication, we at World Dental Speacialities can deliver efficient, long-lasting root canals with little to no pain in most cases.

Services We Provide

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Offer a permanent solution for missing teeth and improve aesthetics and functionality.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Smile more comfortably with enhanced confidence with our Full Mouth Rehabilitation
(FMR) services.

Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic Dentistry

Brighten and remove discoloration from teeth with our Aesthetic Dentistry services.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Fun & gentle dental care for your child’s healthy smile journey at a friendly dental clinic.