Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Beyond Fillings & Crowns: Full Mouth Rehabilitation Rejuvenates Your Smile & Health.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Rejuvenating Your
Smile & Health.

Schedule a Consultation & Learn if Full Mouth Rehabilitation Is Right for You.


A Full Mouth Rehabilitation (FMR) refers to an integration of various dental treatments and procedures conducted over a series of appointments to correct a wide variety of dental issues and restore healthy smiles.

Defined as a restorative approach, full mouth rehabilitation does not only intend to bring back smiles, but it also aims to improve tooth and jaw function while strengthening oral health and tooth structure covering both upper and lower teeth.

Since a full mouth rehabilitation renews both the appearance and function of teeth and gums, it allows the patients to smile more comfortably with enhanced confidence.

Why Do I Need Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

In today’s fast-paced world, Stress and Fatigue have become unavoidable components in our lives. Their effect is not only pronounced on our health but our teeth as well! Yes, you heard that right!

Teeth bear the consequences of stress and heavy muscular forces; resulting in ‘grinding away’ of the enamel. This results in “Loss of facial height” of the facial structure, giving you an ‘old, drooping’ look.

  • According to studies from the National Health and Nutrition Examinations Survey 2003-2004 to assess the Prevalence and Severity of tooth wear; It has been proven that 75% of cases of Sleep Bruxism or as we may call it ‘night grinding’ are caused by stress or anxiety, which affects people subconsciously while they’re asleep!
  • High levels of stress (work-related or otherwise) can have a significant effect on your sleep and hence trigger episodes of Sleep Bruxism. This causes you to clench your jaw or grind your teeth subconsciously.
  • There are numerous people who have dental problems all throughout their lives that must be treated comprehensively with a vision of a final result that improves and reinstates both function and esthetics.
  • These patients may exhibit numerous missing teeth, multiple teeth with large fillings that are breaking/broken or paining or exhibiting decay, badly worn teeth due to bruxism (teeth grinding), advanced periodontal gum disease, deep staining or discolouration.
  • There are also patients who were born with conditions such as Ectodermal Dysplasia, Amelogenesis Imperfecta, or Dentinogenisis Imperfecta that will need extensive restoration of their teeth. These patients may be candidates for a full mouth rehabilitation.
Full mouth rehabilitation for dental disorders

What is the procedure of Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Step 1

Firstly, we analyse the amount of tooth structure lost due to grinding, erosion or other factors.

Step 2

Next, we customise a treatment plan in order to primarily restore the lost function of your teeth and regain a healthy smile. There can be severe loss of the vertical height of the face due to chemical, mechanical and traumatic causes. (Erosion, Attrition, and Abrasion of teeth).

Step 3

This can give rise to both aesthetic and functional problems for the patient.

Full mouth Restorations with ALL CERAMIC, CAD-CAM, EMAX / ZIRCONIA Crowns, Mini crowns, Veneers to restore the loss bite , function and aesthetics, is a very promising and successful treatment modality.

Full Mouth rehabilitation seeks to convert all of these unfavourable forces on the teeth, which inevitably induce pathologic conditions, into favorable forces which permit normal function.

Full mouth rehabilitation cases involve not only replacement of the lost tooth structure but also restoring the lost vertical facial height dimensions due to a collapsed bite along with the fabulous aesthetic outcomes.

How much time does it takes for a Full Mouth Rehabilitation process?

We realize you would have to be here for 2 weeks and would want to complete the treatment with raising your bite, and restoring your lost enamel/ dentine to the optimum such that you are comfortable with the new bite which in fact is, was your original height.

We, at World-dent specialize in full mouth rehabilitations of the lost bite with predictable and successful outcomes.

  • We have to preserve everything from here (as you would’ve already have lost tooth structure) and be as conservative in our approach at the same time provide you with a solution that would last you in good stead.
  • A face bow transfer and mounting on a semi adjustable articulator followed by a full mouth wax up in the cast with increased bite of 3-3.5 mm.
  • After this we proceed to prepare the teeth for minimal / no preparations for All Ceramic Crowns Zirconia /Emax, Mini Crowns / Veneers or Onlay Crowns.
  • Placement of Temporary Restorations, so you can become accustomed to the feeling of your new teeth and the new Bite Alignment till your permanent restorations get fabricated.
  • 8-10 days later Trials for the look feel and function of the Permanent restorations, followed by Final bonded Cementation of your Permanent Restorations.

The successful integration of aesthetics and function do not emerge by chance, but rather as a result of the meticulous team approach by Dental Prosthodontists at World-dent and the state of the art dental technique laboratory that ensures us spectacular and gratifying results time after time.

Our objective is to reconstruct, restore and give you back your lost functional and aesthetic harmony

We highly recommend that you wear a night guard which we shall customise & fabricate for you.

A Night-guardis a dental appliance that is meant to be worn at bedtime; It protects the teeth from grinding forces & prevents occlusal wear.

Full mouth rehabilitation services Mumbai

Full Mouth Rehabilitation Case Study

Discover how our advanced dental solutions transformed a patient’s smile, restoring confidence and improving oral health

Full Mouth Rehabilitation


Full Mouth Rehabilitation


Full Mouth Rehabilitation


Full Mouth Rehabilitation


Full Mouth Rehabilitation


Full Mouth Rehabilitation


Full Mouth Rehabilitation


Full Mouth Rehabilitation



Advantages of a Full Mouth Rehabilitation.

  • Repairing the damaged teeth, e.g. tooth erosion or abrasion, alleviating pain and tooth desensitization.
  • Enhancing teeth functions, e.g. chewing and cutting, allowing for a better appetite.
  • Promoting an aesthetic appearance.
  • Improving biting and grinding while strengthening jaw joints and facial muscles.