Oral Surgical Procedures

Expert care for oral surgical procedures, ensuring comfort and optimal outcomes.

Oral Surgical Procedures

Oral Surgery for a
Renewed Smile.

Advanced Techniques, Lasting Results: Explore Oral Surgery Options


In our dental office surgical procedures are performed routinely performed after thorough diagnosis and planning, be it an emergency procedure like tooth extractions or an elective dental surgical procedures like dental implant placements.

All the oral surgical procedures are performed by our team of efficient oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists and prosthodontists. Minor surgical procedures are a routine event performed easily and more streamlined.

Major surgical procedures are comprehensive and prolonged as they need a lot of precision for their execution. Few of the Oral surgical Procedures performed at our office are namely

Emergency Tooth Extraction

Teeth should be saved for a lifetime but in some emergency cases the tooth or teeth get damaged beyond repair and need to be extracted. Instances like pus formation , dental trauma after an accident , severe pus formation(dental abscess), fractured tooth after a failed dental procedure may require extraction of ones tooth or teeth.

Emergency Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth or tooth removal

Wisdom Teeth or Tooth Removal

It is an oral surgical procedure to remove mainly the 4 permanent teeth which are located at the back of the dentition. They need to be extracted if they are impacted within the bone and have no space to erupt in the oral cavity. These teeth may cause mild to severe complications if not pulled out of the mouth in time.

Dental Implant Placements

Dental implants are biocompatible artificial structures that are surgically placed in ones jaw to replace the missing tooth or teeth. These implants act and look just like your natural missing tooth. The dental implants have a success rate of 98% and with proper oral hygiene care they can last a lifetime.

Bone Grafting Surgery

It’s a surgical procedure in which a patient’s diseased , damaged ,defective or missing bone in the jaw is replaces using the patient”s bone from the body , or an artificial substitute which acts as a scaffolding to promote bone growth and repair.

This procedures aids in increasing the volume to place dental implants to replace the missing teeth.

Bone Grafting Surgery
Gum surgery

Gum Surgery

It is an oral surgical procedure performed on the gums surrounding the tooth or teeth to remove infection, reduce teeth-related sensitivity and/or improve aesthetics by enhancing your smile.


Its one of the minor oral surgical procedure performed when root canal treatment as well as re- root canal treatment has failed. It is the last attempt to save an infectious diseased tooth from extraction. The root tip is surgically removed and the remaining tooth portion is thoroughly cleaned and sterilized before sealing it with a biocompatible calcium silicate material.


Sinus Augmentation Procedure

It is a surgical procedure done to lift the sinus membrane from near the jaw and fill up the empty space with a bone grafting material so as to increase the amount of bone in the posterior part of the upper jaw. It is a routine procedure done while implant placements especially in the upper back area where there is not enough bone height to place an implant. Our clinic has the latest technologies to do the sinus lifting procedures which give effective results and minimum discomfort to the patients.

Services We Provide

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Offer a permanent solution for missing teeth and improve aesthetics and functionality.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Smile more comfortably with enhanced confidence with our Full Mouth Rehabilitation
(FMR) services.

Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic Dentistry

Brighten and remove discoloration from teeth with our Aesthetic Dentistry services.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Fun & gentle dental care for your child’s healthy smile journey at a friendly dental clinic.