Orthodontic Treatment

Transform your smile with personalized Orthodontic Braces for optimal dental alignment.

Orthodontic Treatment

Straighten teeth
Improve Smile.

Orthodontic treatment aligns teeth and corrects bites, enhancing both dental function and aesthetic appearance.


Orthodontics is a dental specialty that addresses the diagnosis, prevention, management, and correction of mal-positioned teeth and jaws, as well as misaligned bite patterns. A specialist who does this is called an “Orthodontist”.

Few people have an ideal set of perfectly well aligned teeth. Most of us have either some kind of crowding, spacing or malalignment of our teeth. So in such cases, we have Orthodontists to our rescue. Aligned teeth are not only a treat for the eyes, but they are also much easier to maintain, keep clean and more resistant to food lodgement and dental caries.

Understanding Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontics in Children

Your child’s first orthodontic evaluation:

Once your child starts losing their baby teeth and permanent teeth begin coming in, it’s time to schedule an orthodontic evaluation. Most kids are about six years old when this happens, and you should take them to the orthodontist no later than age seven. At their first appointment, the Orthodontist evaluates your child’s developing teeth, gums, and jaws. Some orthodontic issues, like crooked teeth, are visible right away, but other problems may be fairly hidden.

The orthodontist identifies early signs of more serious issues, from improper jaw formation and bite misalignments to overcrowded or gapped teeth. After your child’s evaluation, the orthodontist recommends a treatment plan for their needs. Some kids may need immediate intervention, like baby tooth extraction or appliances. Not every child needs early orthodontic treatment, but an orthodontic evaluation is the best way to identify potential issues as mouths and teeth grow.

Types of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment includes fixed or removable appliances, palate expanders, space maintainers, and more.

Phase I orthodontic treatment takes place when your child doesn’t have all their permanent teeth yet. In some cases, kids still have most of their baby teeth when Phase I begins.Interceptive care in Phase I can address a lot of common orthodontic issues, including:

  • Underbite
  • Overbite
  • Crossbite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Abnormal number of teeth

If your child sucks on a thumb or pacifier, this habit can negatively affect teeth and jaw growth over time. Interceptive care can address these issues to improve mouth function. The orthodontist will only recommend Phase I interceptive care only when your child has a significant risk of orthodontic problems as they grow.

Phase II begins once your child has all their permanent teeth. Also called full orthodontic treatment, this phase may include traditional orthodontic braces or Clear Aligners.

Orthodontic treatment in the teen years and beyond is focused on perfecting the look and function of teeth. Remember that even if your child didn’t get a full orthodontic evaluation before they got all their permanent teeth, it’s never too late to benefit from orthodontics.

Give your child a healthy start to a beautiful smile with early orthodontic care. Schedule a consultation.

Adult Orthodontics

As mentioned earlier, a perfectly well aligned set of teeth is not only highly aesthetic, but also essential for good oral hygiene and dental health. Today, we have several adults, also seeking orthodontic treatment for these reasons, and why not? Teeth can be moved at any age, provided there is healthy bone and gums.


1) How do Braces work?

  • Braces are placed on the front side of the teeth. Brackets made out of stainless steel or ceramic are bonded to the center of the teeth using an adhesive. Wires are placed in a slot in the brackets, which allows for controlled movement of teeth in all three dimensions.
  • Apart from wires, forces can be applied using elastic bands and springs may be used to push teeth apart or to close a gap. Several teeth may be tied together with ligatures, and different kinds of hooks can be placed to allow for connecting an elastic band. The time required for braces varies from person to person as it depends on the severity of the problem, the amount of space available, the distance the teeth must move, the health of the teeth, gums, and supporting bone, and how closely the patient follows instructions. On average, however, once the braces are put on, they usually remain in place for one to three years. After braces are removed, patients will need to wear a retainer to hold the teeth in place.

2) Food Restrictions with Braces

You cannot eat certain foods with braces. You have to stay away from hard, chewy, or sticky food. Biting on an apple or pizza is a big no. Food must be cut into bite-size pieces and eaten.

3) Types of Braces

Metal Braces

Metal Braces

Metal brackets, commonly used in orthodontics, are made from high-grade stainless steel, ensuring strength and durability for effective teeth alignment.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces offer the strength and functionality of metal braces but with tooth-coloured materials for a less visible, cosmetic alternative.

Self-Ligating Ceramic Braces


Self-ligating ceramic braces are tooth-colored. They are affixed to teeth. Built-in clips hold the wires to the brackets.

Self-Ligating Metal Braces


Self-ligating metal braces are comprised of metal brackets that are affixed to teeth. Built-in clips hold the wires to the brackets.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are another form of orthodontics commonly used today, involving removable plastic trays. We use aligners companies such as Invisalign or Flash.

Clear Aligner is a comfortable and removable option for braces. It transforms your smile without interfering with your day-to-day life. It is a series of transparent and removable aligners that straighten your teeth. These aligners are lightweight and fit snugly to your teeth. Each aligner provides minor tooth movement. Multiple sets of aligners gradually move your teeth and straighten them. Each aligner is worn for 7-10 days and replaced by the next one in the series. You can easily take them out of your teeth.

How do Clear Aligners work?

Our dentist will take scans of your teeth at the initial visit. The latest 3D Scanner and printers plan your aligners and customise them to your teeth. The cutting-edge technology fabricates each aligner with precise control. The optimum amount of force to move each tooth is decided beforehand. You can visualise the results beforehand. In this method, you get a series of transparent and removable aligners that are supposed to be worn for a period of time.

The aligners are carefully customised based on the severity of malocclusion present. Moreover, each aligner is designed to work on a particular tooth to move it to its correct position without causing any discomfort. It takes between 6-12 months to achieve the desired results.

Thousands of teenagers and adult patients have been able to transform their smiles with Clear aligners.

Clear Aligners

Benefits of Clear Aligners

They are comfortable as no metal brackets or wires irritate the mouth. Being removable, you can eat and drink as you wish during treatment. Brushing and flossing are also easy. Being transparent, the aligners are hardly noticeable. You can also remove them for special occasions.


Your Braces/ Aligners kept your teeth in a straight position for a long time. Once the braces/ Aligners come off, nothing is keeping your teeth from moving back to their previous position. Wearing a retainer helps keep your teeth in the correct place, so they don’t move. They help your teeth “retain” their position. The teeth aren’t completely firm in their new position until the gums, bone get used to the change. Everyday habits like chewing and grinding apply forces to your teeth and can move your teeth again.

1) Removable Retainers

Removable retainers are made from clear plastic, and they are custom-fitted for the patient’s mouth. It has a tight fit and holds all of the teeth in position.

Removable retainers

2) Fixed Retainers

Fixed retainers are a simple wire fixed to the tongue-facing part of the incisors using dental adhesive and can be specifically useful to prevent rotation in incisors.

3) How often will we see the orthodontist?

Visits to the orthodontist to adjust braces or to pick up new aligners, at which time your orthodontist will evaluate the progress of treatment and assess the health of the teeth and gums, will be scheduled about every 4 to 5 weeks.

Fixed retainers