Teeth in a Day Implant Mumbai

Teeth in a Day Implant Mumbai

In today’s fast-paced world, time is a luxury, and so is a confident smile. At World Dental Specialities, we understand the importance of both.

That’s why we offer the groundbreaking “Teeth in a Day” implant procedure—an advanced dental solution that allows you to walk into our clinic with missing teeth and leave with a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing smile, all in a single day.

Client Satisfaction
Dental Success
Client Referral

Drastically Reduced Treatment Time

Enhanced Precision and Accuracy

Immediate Aesthetic and Functional Results


Improved Patient Experience

What is the “Teeth in a Day Implant” Procedure?

“Teeth in a Day Implant” is a revolutionary dental procedure that utilizes state-of-the-art imaging and computer-assisted technology to place dental implants and attach a temporary prosthesis in just one visit. This method is a significant leap from traditional dental implant procedures that typically require multiple appointments over several months. With “Teeth in a Day Implant,” you can enjoy a complete set of teeth in a fraction of the time.

Benefits of Teeth in a Day Implant

The “Teeth in a Day Implant” procedure offers numerous advantages over traditional dental implant methods, making it an attractive option for those seeking quick, efficient, and effective tooth replacement solutions:

Minimally Invasive Procedure

The use of surgical guides allows for a minimally invasive approach, reducing discomfort and speeding up the recovery process.

Enhanced Precision and Accuracy

The use of CBCT scans and 3D computer imaging ensures that your implants are placed with the highest level of precision, minimising the risk of complications and enhancing the overall success of the procedure.

Drastically Reduced Treatment Time

Unlike traditional implants, which require multiple visits over several months, “Teeth in a Day Implant” allows for the placement of implants and a temporary prosthesis in a single appointment.

Immediate Aesthetic and Functional Results

With the immediate temporary prosthesis, you can enjoy a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing smile from the moment you leave our clinic.


Improved Patient Experience

The streamlined process of “Teeth in a Day Implant” offers a more comfortable and convenient experience for patients, with fewer appointments and less time spent in the dental chair.

The Technology Behind Teeth in a Day Implant

Placing the implants using a 3D printed surgical guide
Placing the implants using a 3D printed surgical guide

The success of the “Teeth in a Day Implant” procedure at World Dental Specialities hinges on the use of advanced imaging technologies like Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and three-dimensional computer imaging. Here’s how these technologies contribute to the precision and efficiency of the procedure:

1) CBCT Scans:

These provide detailed images of your jaw structure, allowing our dental professionals to assess bone density, identify vital anatomical structures, and determine the most suitable placement for your dental implants.

2) 3D Computer Imaging:

This technology enables the creation of a virtual model of your jaw, facilitating precise planning and execution of the implant surgery. The result is a procedure that is highly accurate, minimally invasive, and tailored to your unique dental anatomy.

Step-by-Step Process of Teeth in a Day Implant

Step 1

Initial Consultation and CBCT Scan

Your journey to a new smile begins with a comprehensive consultation at World Dental Specialities. During this visit, our experienced dentists will conduct a thorough examination of your oral health and discuss your treatment goals. A CBCT scan is performed to capture detailed images of your jaw, serving as the foundation for the planning and execution of your implant surgery.

Step 2

Virtual Planning and Surgical Guide Creation

Using the CBCT scan data, our dental team creates a three-dimensional virtual model of your jaw. This model allows us to meticulously plan the exact placement of your dental implants, taking into account factors like bone density, nerve locations, and aesthetic considerations. Once the planning is complete, a custom-made surgical guide is fabricated to ensure the precise placement of your implants during surgery.

Step 3

Preparation of Immediate Temporary Prosthesis

In parallel with the implant planning, our dental team designs an immediate temporary prosthesis that will be placed on the day of your surgery. This prosthesis is crafted to fit perfectly with your new implants, ensuring that you leave our clinic with a complete and functional smile.

Step 4

Implant Placement and Prosthesis Delivery

On the day of your procedure, the surgical guide is used to position the implants with utmost accuracy. The implants are then inserted through the guide, and the immediate temporary prosthesis is attached. This allows you to walk out of our clinic with a beautiful, natural-looking set of teeth, ready to resume your daily activities.

Step 5

Post-Operative Care and Long-Term Success

Following your surgery, you will receive detailed post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor the healing process and assess the integration of the implants with your jawbone. After a few months, when the implants have fully fused with the bone, a final permanent prosthesis will be placed, completing your transformation.

Dental Implant Mumbai

“Unlock a Radiant New Smile in Just One Day”

Schedule your consultation today and see how quickly you can shine!

Why Choose World Dental Specialities?

At World Dental Specialities, we are committed to providing exceptional dental care using the latest innovations in dentistry. Here’s why our clinic is the ideal choice for your “Teeth in a Day” procedure:

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team of dental professionals has extensive experience in performing “Teeth in a Day” procedures, ensuring that you receive personalized and precise treatment.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We utilize the latest dental technologies, including CBCT scanners and advanced computer imaging systems, to enhance the precision and success of your treatment.
  • Comprehensive Care: From the initial consultation to the final placement of your permanent prosthesis, we offer comprehensive care at every stage of the treatment process.
  • Patient-Centric Approach: We prioritize your comfort and satisfaction, ensuring that you are fully informed and confident in your treatment decisions.